Nutrition & Meals
The Stillwater Board of Education recognizes that healthy eating patterns are essential for students to achieve their academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well being.
Stillwater Public Schools operates a school nutrition program that will include lunch, breakfast, and may include after school snacks through participation in the Child Nutrition Programs.
Payment & Menus
School Board Policy COC To pay your bill, view menus, and apply for low-cost meals visit:
Applications for free and reduced meals are included in the enrollment packet, may be obtained in the office, or submitted online. Applications can be turned in at any time.
Stillwater Public Schools offers nutritious school meals to students at a minimal cost. In order to avoid adversely affecting the school meal program financially, the Stillwater Board of Education establishes policy regarding the charging of school meals.
The nutrition services meal payment policy is intended to:
-treat all students with dignity and respect;
-maintain a positive experience for students during meal service;
-establish practices that are age appropriate; and
-promote parents’ responsibility for meal payments and self-responsibility of the student
$0 for studentsEvery Stillwater school provides a free breakfast for all students.
Meals are free for all students during the 2021-2022 school year. Student lunches are available at all school sites.
Elementary, Middle, and Junior High Schools operate closed campus lunches.
Students may not accept food brought by the parent of another student.
Stillwater High School has an open campus lunch policy.
Students are excused only for the forty minute lunch period, standard tardy procedures apply.
Stillwater Pioneer Virtual Academy
Students Pre-K-9th grade that are onsite during meal times will be expected to remain at the SPVA building, but students in grades 10-12 and above in attendance during meals can participate in open campus lunch.
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children at school or sign them out to take them off site for lunch.
Meals for Virtual Learners
SPVA students staying at home during meal times can arrange a meal pick up from the nearest SPS school site; ask SPVA staff for details.
When visiting the SPVA for in person meetings, learning labs, or school work around meal times, SPVA students can arrange to have a meal provided on site; ask SPVA staff for details.
Some classes/ages provide snacks. Some schools/teachers may ask for parent participation to help support these efforts.
Walk at all times
No cutting in line
Demonstrate good table manners
Clean up after yourself
Do not overflow trash cans
Use a conversational voice
Respect lunch monitors