Dress Code
Students need to dress appropriately for various school activities such as recess, physical education classes, and field trips. Student appearance and dress should not detract from the learning environment. While the mission of Stillwater Public Schools is to educate its students, it is important that dress contributes to the atmosphere of a positive educational environment. It is hoped that a minimum amount of time and effort is spent on enforcement; however, it is the responsibility of the student and parents to adhere to these guidelines. The building administration will use their best judgement when addressing clothing, hairstyles, and/or accessories not specifically addressed herein that may negatively impact safety and learning.
All final decisions about school attire/appearance will be made by the principal.
Elementary School Dress Code
Clothing must be clean, safe, and healthful
Clothing should be weather appropriate
Flip flops are discouraged
Clothing should ensure that all areas of a student’s body or undergarments are appropriately covered.
Pajamas are not allowed, except on designated pajama days
All head/face coverings (except as a religious observance) and sunglasses must be removed upon entering the school building.
Protective face coverings to prevent the spread of infection diseases will be allowed.
Clothing should not contain any tripping items. Chains, trench coats, long outer garments and other items that may impact safety and learning are not permitted.
Clothing must not display in appropriate messages or symbols
Secondary School Dress Code
Clothing must be clean, safe, and healthful.
Clothing, hairstyles, or accessories must not be revealing or disruptive to the educational process in any way. Sagging is not allowed. Sleeveless shirts or blouses may be worn provided that the arm opening is not unnecessarily revealing of the student’s body or undergarments.
All students are required to wear shoes with a sole. Cleated shoes are not permissible in the school building. Pajamas are not allowed.
All head/face coverings (except as a religious observance) and sunglasses must be removed upon entering the school building.
Protective face coverings to prevent the spread of infection diseases will be allowed.
Chains, trench coats, long outer garments and other items that may impact safety and learning are not permitted.
Students are prohibited from wearing any clothing that includes or represents gang affiliation or identifiers.
Clothing must not carry messages, either written or suggesting the promotion of illegal substances, including, but not limited to: drugs, alcohol, tobacco products or practices. Messages of a suggestive or vulgar nature are prohibited.
Clothing must not be derogatory to any individual, group, or institution, including hate group messages.
Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than the longest fingertip when held at sides. Shorts must be properly fitted with at least a 3-inch inseam, must completely cover undergarments and buttocks, and must be visible under shirts. Stretchy clothing such as leggings and compression shorts must be opaque, mid-thigh or longer, and covered by an outer garment that reaches the top of the thigh.
Dress Code Violations
Students will be given a verbal warning and may be asked to change clothing. This will be at the discretion of the administration.
Repeated violations will be considered willful disobedience of a directive of school officials and may result in more serious consequences.