
(School Board Policy FNCD) School Board Policy FNCD-R

The board of education recognizes that bullying of students causes serious educational and personal problems, both for the student-victim and the initiator of the bullying. The board observes that this conduct:

  • Has been shown by national and state studies to have a substantial adverse effect upon school district operations, the safety of students and faculty, and the educational system at large.

  • Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the district’s mission to instruct students in an atmosphere free from fear, is disruptive of school efforts to encourage students to remain in school until graduation, and is just as disruptive of the district’s efforts to prepare students for productive lives in the community as they become adults.

  • Substantially disrupts healthy student behavior and thereby academic achievement. Research indicates that healthy student behavior results in increased student academic achievement. Improvement in student behavior through the prevention or minimization of bullying towards student-victims simultaneously supports the district's primary and substantial interest in operating schools that foster and promote academic achievement.

  • Substantially interferes with school compliance with federal law that seeks to maximize the mainstreaming of students with disabilities and hinders compliance with Individual Educational Programs containing objectives to increase the socialization of students with disabilities. Targets of bullying are often students with known physical or mental disabilities who, as a result, are perceived by bullies as easy targets for bullying actions.

  • Substantially interferes with the district’s mission to advance the social skills and social and emotional well-being of students. Targets of bullying are often “passive-target” students who already are lacking in social skills because they tend to be extremely sensitive, shy, display insecurity, anxiety and/or distress; may have experienced a traumatic event; may try to use gifts, toys, money, or class assignments or performance bribes to protect themselves from bullying; are often small for their age and feel vulnerable to bullying acts; and/or may resort to carrying weapons to school for self-protection. Passive-target victims who have been harassed and demeaned by the behavior of bullies often respond by striving to obtain power over others by becoming bullies themselves, and are specifically prone to develop into students who eventually inflict serious physical harm onother students, or, in an effort to gain power over their life or situation, commit suicide.

  • Substantially disrupts school operations by increasing violent acts committed against fellow students.Violence, in this context, is frequently accompanied by criminal acts.

  • Substantially disrupts school operations by interfering with the reasonable expectations of other students that they can feel secure at school and not be subjected to frightening acts or be the victim of mistreatment resulting from bullying behavior.

Reporting Bullying

  • Students, parents, and staff should report any bullying that they experience or witness by submitting a Bullying/Harassment Report to the Principal or appropriate responsible party. Not sure who to submit the form to? Call 405-533-6300

  • Bullying/Harassment incidents will be handled according to policy.

Updates, Changes, or ClarificationPlease submit any updates, changes, reports of incorrect information or requests for clarification to bfuxa@stillwaterschools.com.